2009 02 28 an overcast day, sitting on the beach minding my business, i look over and some teenage girls in hot pink swimsuits are "waxing their chests" with pink wax; this involves removing the top of the swimsuit and smearing wax all over their chests, so presumably i'm not supposed to look. well, i try not to look but it's sort of hard with all the giggling, and nancy cava wearing a tight red velvet shirt and jeans, wiggling provocatively. so eventually i get tired of the contradiction and run toward the ocean, jumping high into the air, preparing for the deep black cold water. but i realize in mid air that i've still got my clothes on (black boxer-briefs and a black t-shirt, what I sleep in) so i change my mind in mid air and swerve to the right just in time to bounce off a wall parkour style (over the ocean?) and make a series of bounces off these walls until i'm back over the shore, nestled in a bookcase on the opposite side of a wall next to where the girls are doing their wax thing. by this time the ocean environment has totally morphed into the downstairs "family room" of my parents' house. the bookcase is full of binoculars, and i pick up a pair, wondering about its quality. there are cracks underneath the bookcase through which one might be able to see the girls. as i'm playing with the binoculars my brother makes a snarky scolding comment intended to alert them to my nefarious intentions. i dont think it mattered as they were leaving already anyway.